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(2 edits) (+1)

You actually don’t need to make the sprites yourself y’know ;) There’s some sprites that people sell and give out that you could use. There’s also another alterative to find someone willing to draw for you! There’s also a plethora of sprite creators you can use

But I’d be willing to help you with any projects you want to work on. I’m a multi-talented creator and I do a wide range of media. I also know a few people who are helping me with my projects that I can reach out to. :) I haven’t played the game yet but I will and I bet it’ll have great writing


Promissing plot, really NOT a fan of the artwork, though...

Well, I did say I can't draw for shit. :P Never been good at it, figured if I actually made headway with this I'd try get backing by fans, but I'm nowhere near that stage yet. (might never be, lotta complications came up in the last few months)


Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the complications. Though I must emphasize my liking of the plot, it's a breath of fresh air among other VN's that fall into the same mind-numbing boring clichés. If you can, keep working on it. It truly has promise. :) 

I am trying to work on it still. I'm really proud of my ideas (even if they're not in the game yet), so I don't wanna give up easily. But thanks for the praise! ^^ If you already like the plot, then I'm certain my plans for the future will please you and anyone like you even more. :3

Meow, I though that was a novel with abstract art style. =^.~=